October 16th – Restart a Heart Day


October 16th 2020 is International Restart a Heart Day. In order to raise awareness about cardiac arrest and increase bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The aim of Restart a Heart Day is to bring awareness, education and training to the general public in order to increase the likelihood of lives being saved in the event of a heart attack, as the early moments of a heart attack are critical and a trained person on the scene can make the critical difference.

70% of cardiac arrests in Ireland occur in the home, be prepared.


There’s a Hard and Fast Rule when it comes to performing CPR. You just have to remember the two key steps:

1. Call 112 or 999

2. Push hard and fast in the centre of the chest.

This year will be a little different due to social distancing. The ERC are providing videos & online material.  Visit the European Resuscitation Council to see more https://www.erc.edu/about/restart.