Minor Injury Self Help

Treating Minor Injury/ Self Help

  • You can escort the casualty to the first age station, PPE should be worn e.g. masks.
  • Complete a preliminary assessment, if possible, while maintaining social distancing (currently > 2 metres).
  • The preliminary assessment to involve the screening questions for COVID-19.


 Minor injuries

  • Many of these patients could provide self help under direction from the first aider, thus maintaining social distancing.
  • The first aider should encourage ‘supervised self help’ (from a safe distance) i.e. instruct the patient to wash a minor wound and then apply a plaster to themselves.
  • The successful application of this model of care will reduce the requirement to don PPE every time a person enquires about a minor injury etc.
  • Always follow FAR CPGs when advising care provision.
  • Coach the casualty through the first aid provision/technique that is necessary at the time.