- Understand the New provisions for treating a casualty during the Covid 19
- Follow the PHECC Guidelines for the treatrment of minor injuries
and injuries involving close contact.
- Follow the PHECC Guidelines for the treatrment of a Casualty in Cardiac
- Understand the correct procedure for Doning and Doffing PPE
- Know the correct PPE which must be provided to First Aid Responders.
COVID-19 First Aid Provisions
There has been a change outlined by the Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) and also the Irish Heart Foundation.
First Aid Scenarios
Minor Injuries
Screening Questions
- Asking them if they are showing any signs or symptoms of Covid-19
- Have they been in contact with a confirmed case
- Temperature check
- Self help may be required where you guide the casualty
- Always follow Covid-19 Guidelines
Major Injuries – Direct Contact is Needed
- Don protective clothing and equipment
- Casualty will also need to wear relevant PPE : mask (recommended FFP2 mask), gloves and gown
- Wash your hands
- If possible have casualty wash hands also
Cardiac Arrest
- Compression only CPR
- Do not put your face near theirs to check for breathing, use other signals
- Always treat the casualty as if they were a suspected case
- Cover the nose and the mouth
- Perform compression only CPR
- It is safe to use an AED
New First Aid Guidelines
- Talk casualty through procedure of first aid guidelines
- If contact is needed, wear the correct PPE
- Follow good hand washing technique
- Give PPE to the casualty if needed
- Correctly remove/dispose of used PPE
- Compression only CPR
- Always wash your hands afterwards